scenario.campaignargs module

Campaign runner program arguments.

class CampaignArgs

Bases: Args, CommonExecArgs

Campaign runner program arguments.

__init__(positional_args=True, default_outdir_cwd=True)

Defines program arguments for CampaignRunner.

  • positional_argsFalse to disable the scenario path positional arguments definition. Useful for user programs that wish to redefine it.

  • default_outdir_cwdFalse to disable the use of the current directory by default.


Current directory as the default output directory flag.


Output directory path.

Inner attribute. None until actually set, either with the –outdir option, or programmatically in sub-classes.


True when an output subdirectory in CampaignArgs.outdir named with the campaign execution date and time should be created.


Attribute names to display for extra info. Applicable when executing several tests.


Campaign file path.

property outdir

Output directory path as a public property.


Check campaign arguments once parsed.


True for success, False otherwise.