scenario.scenarioargs module

Scenario runner program arguments.

class CommonExecArgs

Bases: object

Base class for argument parser classes that embed common test execution program arguments.


Installs common test execution program arguments.


True when the test(s) is(are) executed for documentation generation only, i.e. the test script(s) for actions and verifications should not be executed.


Error issue level.


Ignored issue level.


Check common test execution program arguments once parsed.


True for success, False otherwise.

static reportexecargs(args, subprocess)

Report execution program arguments from an argument parser instance to the arguments of a sub-process being built.

  • args – Argument parser instance to report program arguments from to.

  • subprocess – Sub-process being built to report program arguments to.

class ScenarioArgs

Bases: Args, CommonExecArgs

Scenario runner program argument management.

Provides arguments for the ScenarioRunner execution.

Arguments given through the command line prevail on the configurations in the configuration files (see ScenarioConfig).


Declares the scenario runner program arguments, and binds them to the member fields.


positional_argsFalse to disable the scenario path positional arguments definition. Useful for user programs that wish to redefine it.


JSON report output file path. No JSON report when None.


Attribute names to display for extra info. Applicable when executing several tests.


Path of the scenario Python script to execute.


Checks scenario runner arguments once parsed.


True for success, False otherwise.