Multiple scenario executionsΒΆ

As described by the scenario launcher help message, several scenarios may be executed with a single command line.

usage: [-h] [--config-file CONFIG_PATH] [--config-value KEY VALUE]
                   [--debug-class DEBUG_CLASS] [--doc-only]
                   [--issue-level-error ISSUE_LEVEL]
                   [--issue-level-ignored ISSUE_LEVEL]
                   [--json-report JSON_REPORT_PATH]
                   [--extra-info ATTRIBUTE_NAME]
                   SCENARIO_PATH [SCENARIO_PATH ...]

Scenario test execution.

positional arguments:
  SCENARIO_PATH         Scenario script(s) to execute.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  --config-file CONFIG_PATH
                        Input configuration file path. This option may be
                        called several times.
  --config-value KEY VALUE
                        Single configuration value. This option may be called
                        several times.
  --debug-class DEBUG_CLASS
                        Activate debugging for the given class.
  --doc-only            Generate documentation without executing the test(s).
  --issue-level-error ISSUE_LEVEL
                        Define the issue level from and above which known
                        issues should be considered as errors. None by
                        default, i.e. all known issues are considered as
  --issue-level-ignored ISSUE_LEVEL
                        Define the issue level from and under which known
                        issues should be ignored. None by default, i.e. no
                        known issue ignored by default.
  --json-report JSON_REPORT_PATH
                        Save the report in the given JSON output file path.
                        Single scenario only.
  --extra-info ATTRIBUTE_NAME
                        Scenario attribute to display for extra info when
                        displaying results. Applicable when executing several
                        tests. This option may be called several times to
                        display more info.

For example:

$ ./bin/ demo/ demo/

Option restriction

When executing several scenarios in the same command line, a couple of options come to be not applicable, such as --json-report.

The tests are executed one after the other, in the order given by the command line.

A summary of the scenario executions is given in the end.

INFO     TOTAL                                  Status      Steps    Actions    Results    Time
INFO     2 tests, 0 failed, 0 with warnings                   9/9      31/31        1/1    HH:MM:SS.mmmmmm
INFO     demo/           SUCCESS        4/4        4/4        1/1    HH:MM:SS.mmmmmm
INFO     demo/                   SUCCESS        5/5      27/27        0/0    HH:MM:SS.mmmmmm